Presentations & Publications
Erica Heller was featured on NextQuest Podcast with Noah Garcia, LPC-S to share about Heartlines Counseling and psychoeducation around βThe Intersection of Sexual Orientation, Gender, and Substance Use & Experimentation.β Listen Here
Voyage Austin is a local website and magazine that features businesses, creatives, entrepreneurs, and more for folx local to Austin. Erica was interviewed and featured in their Local Stories segment, βExploring Life and Business with Erica Heller, LCSW, LCDC.β Read Here
As part of the Q+EDU Speaker series featuring community members and speakers around topics impacting 2SLGBTQIA+ folks, Erica was a featured panelist on βQ+EDU Speaker Series: Harm Reduction for LGBTQ+ Youth.β Watch Here
Erica was a contributing writer for the launch of Get Parenting Tips, a website hosted by Texas Department of Family & Protective Services, featuring resources and posts for parents of kids of all ages around relevant topics to navigating parenting in this decade. Her article provided basic information around 2SLGBTQIA+ definitions and resources, titled βRaising LGBTQ+ Children & Teens.β Read Here
Update June 2022 - It has come to our attention that this article has unfortunately been removed from the Get Parenting Tips website without the authorβs knowledge and is therefore unable to be shared as a resource. We apologize for any inconvenience!
Erica was a co-facilitator of a training on Trauma Stewardship & Secondary Trauma to masterβs level graduate students who were a part of the Minority Fellowship Program for Youth, hosted by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).

crisis support & hotlines
Available 24/7/365
National Suicide Prevention & Crisis Lifeline | 988 | 988lifeline.org
Lifeline EspaΓ±ol | 1-888-628-9454 | 988lifeline.org/help-yourself/en-espanol
Trans Lifeline | 877-565-8860 | translifeline.org *Available in English & Spanish
Trevor Project (LGBTQ+ Hotline) | 1-866-488-7386 OR Text START to 678-678 thetrevorproject.org
National Crisis Text Line | Text HOME to 741-741 | crisistextline.org
National Sexual Assault Hotline | 1-800-656-4673 | rainn.org
SAFE Austin | 512-267-SAFE (7233) OR Text 737-888-SAFE (7233) | safeaustin.org/get-help
*Available in English & Spanish, relay/VRS for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind community, &
staff can use interpretation services to respond to callers who speak other languages
Integral Care (Travis County, Texas) | 512-472-HELP (4357) | integralcare.org/en/crisis-services
Bluebonnet Trails (Williamson County, Texas) | 1-800-841-1255 | bbtrails.org/crisis-services

websites & Resources
2SLGBQIA+ Transgender and Gender Expansive Resources
OutYouth | outyouth.org
Q + EDU | qplusedu.org
Queer Kid Stuff | queerkidstuff.com
Trans-Cendence International | transcendint.org
Transgender Partners & SOFFAS Resources (Significant Others, Friends, Family and Allies of Transgender People) | transgenderpartners.com
The Trevor Project | thetrevorproject.org
Gender transition Related Resources
FOLX Health Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) | folxhealth.com
Kind Clinic for Hormone Replacement Therapy - Austin, Texas (HRT) | kindclinic.org
Voice Training for Trans Folx with Alyssa VT | alyssavt/how-i-start-voice-training-start-here
Additional Resources
The Anti-Racism Project | antiracismproject.org/resources
Austin Bar Association | austinbar.org/anti-racist-resources
National Museum of African American History & Culture | nmaahc.si.edu/learn/talking-about-race/topics/being-antiracist
Body image, intuitive eating, health at every size
Be Nourished, Body Trust | benourished.org
Health At Every Size, Lindo Bacon | lindobacon.com/health-at-every-size-book
Intuitive Eating, Evelyn Tribole & Elyse Resch | intuitiveeating.org
Nalgona Positivity Pride, Gloria Lucas | nalgonapositivitypride.com
Sonya Renee Taylor | sonyareneetaylor.com
Mental Health
National Association on Mental Illness Central Texas (NAMI) | namicentraltx.org
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) | nimh.nih.gov
Wildflower Alliance | wildfloweralliance.org
PFLAG | pflag.org
Sex Positive Families | sexpositivefamilies.com
Strong Family Alliance (LGBTQ+) | strongfamilyalliance.org
Texas Department of Family & Protective Services - Topics for Parents | getparentingtips.com
Raising LGBTQ+ Children and Teens | click here to read*
*As of June 2022, no longer available on DFPS Get Parenting Tips website.
sexuality & Relationships
Unhushed | unhushed.org
Scarleteen | www.scarleteen.com
substance use & Harm reduction
Austin Harm Reduction | austinharmreduction.org
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) | samhsa.gov
Texas Harm Reduction Alliance | harmreductiontx.org/harm-reduction